Professor Lawyer Stefano Cherti
Stefano Cherti, born in Rome on 5th March 1976, is currently professor of civil and economic law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cassino, and he has been a lawyer since March 2008.
He graduated in Law at the University “Roma Tre” (law and economic studies) on 26th October 2000, with a degree thesis in Civil Law with a final mark of 110/110 cum laude. In January 2001 he was accepted on the Course for a Research Doctorate (PhD) in “European private law in patrimonial relations” (16th Cycle) at the Faculty of Law at the University of Verona, co-ordinator of the doctorate Prof. A. Zaccaria, research tutor Prof. S. Troiano.
On 28th April 2004 he passed the exam and was awarded the title of doctor of research in “European private law in patrimonial relations” after discussing a doctoral dissertation entitled “Conventional guarantees in sales”.
From 18th December 2006 he is a researcher of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Cassino.
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